Thursday, April 19, 2007

This Weekend...

Is the Strawberry Festival, but I am already thinking about the Garlic Festival, as I saw a notice in the Bee about the recipe contest the festival is holding.

The prizes sound pretty nice, but one of the neat things is that they are footing the hotel bill for the finalists. It sounds much more Iron Chef too, because the finalists are supposed to make their recipes the day of judging. Here is a link to more info about it. Sounds fun!

Unrelated note (literally!)... I found a church finally... and I made it into choir last night! I had to sing in front of the director. This will relate to food, as it will be the alto (my) section's turn to bring in desserts at the end of May. The group has a monthly birthday celebration, and that gives me another excuse to bake! :)

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