Thursday, December 15, 2005

Down to the wire....

Down to the wire...., originally uploaded by Noushineh.


Devin said...

Look at the pretty design...

How many words are your reviews usually? It looks HUGE!

cakegrrl said...

Thanks Devin!
My review last month was two pages, and I was given a lot of sh*t for it, so I trimmed this month down to one. As for number of words, I am not sure. I just kept typing until I filled up the page. I almost felt like I didnt have enough to say of substance about the place. Oh well. I can't write, design, office manage, attend functions for PR, and do it all to the best of my ability all the time. It's sucking the life out of me. And its not even like, a REAL magazine. I am totally job shopping right now. I am doing the work of two people (and an asst) and I am getting paid a little more than an assistant with no benefits. I am not complaining, I am lucky to have what I do, but.... I would like more recognition and compensation, or like, some HELP over here.... :)

Devin said...

Ah, the wonderful world of small-time publishing. Where you DO get to do it all!*

*For the wages of a slave!