Thursday, December 14, 2006

Spiced Chocolate Chip Cookies...

I have also made these every year (since I have been baking), but this time the variation is the addition of ginger, nutmeg, clove, & cinnamon. The chips are Guittard (let's hear it for supporting local products!!), and I threw in a handful of the butterscotch variety they make as well. I also swapped out the milk in the recipe and used eggnog again. I love the nog so much, can you tell? One more kiss before I go: FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY, USE REAL VANILLA! :) Happy baking!


Jennifer said...

Yes, because Imitation vanilla extract is just a joke. Seriously. I will NEVER buy Imitation Almond OR Vanilla Extract again. Blech.

cakegrrl said...

It actually is good for one thing: Perfume. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Cakegrrl!

Lovely cookies.

wheresmymind said...

Real vanilla...great idea!!

Jennifer said...

You konw I tried adding some nutmeg to my cookies, but I can't really taste it. Hmm. In any case, I put some pix up in my blog with what we made the other night. I just forgot pictures of the finished product! HAHAHAHAHA!