You have two more days to register for the California State Fair's recipe contests!!! There are a few special contests being held this year in addition to all the other normal categories.
GUITTARD’S CHOCOLATE PASSION CONTEST: Enter any chocolate creation using one or more 10 to 12 ounce package(s) of Guittard Chocolate Chip product(s).
CALIFORNIA’S FAMILY FRIENDLY FOOD CONTEST: One Recipe. Entries may be any “Family Friendly Food,” including appetizers, stew, stir-fry, casserole, vegetable, pasta or other prepared dish.
• All entries must be created with at least one (1oz) packet or 2 or more tablespoons
of Hidden Valley - The Original Ranch Salad Dressing and Seasoning Mix.
CALIFORNIA’S CHOCOLATE CHAMPIONSHIP: Create your best entry using at least one of the Ghirardelli premium baking products (chocolate chips, bars and/or cocoa). Enjoy baking in Ghirardelli’s chocolate intensity for the opportunity to win up to $500 and a beautiful Ghirardelli chocolate gift basket!
CALIFORNIA’S BAKERS UNITED FOR A CAUSE BAKING CONTEST: Breast Cancer Awareness across the country! For every entry, ACH Food Companies will contribute $10 to a leading Breast Cancer Foundation. Bring your baked entry and Written recipe for live judging. Themes and decorations are encouraged as part of your presentation and for extra flair at the fair! The top 3 entries win a cash award and prizes: $150 for first place, $75 for second and $50 for third.
A second category will reward the best 8x8 inch 1-Dish Recipe.
2nd Category: The top-Rated Recipe among “1-Dish bake & Rise entries will win a
cash award of $100. 1-Dish recipes require 2 envelopes of Fleischmann’s RapidRise
Yeast and should be prepared and baked in the same 8x8 inch dish. They require no
rise time and oven must not be preheated. The dish can be presented for judging in
any container.
I am still bummed about missing 2004's special Carrot Cake contest. I could now go on and on about how delicious mine is *snore*, but I won't. I will just hit "publish post" now. :)
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