I am excited to tell you all about a product called defatted peanut flour. It is processed by Golden Peanut Company in Alpharetta, GA *natch*. It can be used in recipes as a lower fat and no sugar alternative to peanut butter. I will be receiving some in the mail soon and I will be coming up with some more delicious low fat and no sugar treats!
The peanut flour product manufactured by Golden Peanut is the same as another powdered peanut butter substitute which you may have already heard about. Only, it is BETTER because there's no added sugar or salt! So, when you order it from Byrdmill, you can add Splenda or Stevia to your own taste. The product is available in both 12% and 28% fat varieties.
I will be experimenting with the 28% fat variety. More stuff to like: The product is gluten free and kosher: OU. It also lasts approximately 9-12 months in cool/dry conditions.
The serving size is 1/4 cup (22g or 4 Tablespoons). Total Calories are 120 per serving. Calories from fat 60. Total fat 6g. Total Carbohydrates 5g. Dietary Fiber 2g. Protein 9g.
I'll be working on a peanut butter cake, fudge, and peanut sauces for stir-fries when the product arrives. Stay tuned!
The peanut flour is available for purchase at Byrdmill.com!
Oh, I am interested to hear how the baked goods taste! I'm intrigued by this Peanut flour...
Just got this a few days ago and it's freaking spectacular! :) And now I am currently working on some things.
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