Nasty, nasty, nasty. Even the freaking wheat bread at Subway contains what? You guessed it. HFCS! And apparently, they coat their teriyaki chicken strips in it, too. Niiiiice...
Further ranting... every single variety of Yoplait Yogurt contains HFCS. No wonder that Boston Cream Pie variety (albeit light) tasted so delicious. Booooooooooooooooo...............
Anyhoo...I found this blog tonight while web surfing. I kinda love it! :)
Oddly, you can buy the generic (archer farms?) brand at target that is whole wheat sweetened with honey and raisin juice. It's pretty good!
Our quest to eliminate HFCS has been very hard- it's shocking how it sneaks into everything!
I am a Dannon "lite and fit" Gal for life. Only 60 cals a container and they make a delicious vanilla flavor that works REALLY well in my morning (sugar free) chocolate and strawberry milkshakes.
Subway is disgusting anyhow. If I'm going to have a sandwich I'll do Quizno's. We rarely do because they are so flippin overpriced.
And I LOVE that picture of the Children of the Corn Syrup. ROFL!!!
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